Wanted your expert opinion on something. We have using NWBC 4 and got Portal 7.3 in our landscape. We have established SPNego for IE single single on for Portal. We also have SNC entries with SAPGui to manage ECC SSO using SAPGui.
We want to extend NWBC to ECC SSO. But this been a massive hunt for right solution.
SAP Netweaver SSO is obvious solutions, but seems it involves some licence cost. Other option was to redirect NWBC to Portal and then back using redirect app as described in this note.
Question is, what is best way forward, and if we can achieve NWBC ECC SSO with this redirect method. With all the effort we put in we are able to see web page of /nwbc page instead of launching ECC on NWBC 4.0.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Note 1250795 - Redirect appliction.pdf