Hi all,
I hope someone can help me. I am trying to implement SSO for SAP ABAP systems using our own PKI server along with NW SSO 2.0 client. Figured out all the steps and got it working in most of the systems. But in some of the systems where we have activated VMC(Virtual Machine Container) SSO via SAP GUI would not work. Webgui using SSL protocol works just fine. Only when I try to log on using SAP GUI(SNC enabled), it throws a message "SAP System Message" without any details. On server level the Work Process restarts itself with following in the system log:
Signal 4 received by operating system Stop Workp. 12,PID 14090342
Signal 6 received by operating system
Error handling canceled
Signal 11 received by operating system Error handling canceled
Start Workp. 12, 8 times since system startup. PID 14090344
Delete session 001 after error 023
As soon as I disable (vmcj/enable=off), SSO via GUI/SNC starts working fine. Please help.