Hi all,
We are making a proof of concept on SSO on ABAP (SAP-GUI + web) via SAP Secure Login Client and SPNEGO for ABAP.
All youtube-video configrations have been performed . You know: Implementing SAP NetWeaver Single Sign-On 2.0 Based on Kerberos Tokens 2/4 - YouTube (and so on ).
When I try to logon on via SAP-GUI I get a: "GSS-API(maj): No credential were supplied Unable to establish the security context target="p:CN=SL-service-user@xyz.com"
The SNCAX_TEST programs works fine on the above service-user (defined in SPNEGO).
Service-user defined in SAP-GUI (SNC)
The end user in SU01 has been updated on SNC with the token name from the SAP Secure Login Client
Method: SncPEstablishContext
System call gss_init_sec_context
I have looked into SAP notes (error codes etc.) + googling this and other comminties without luck .
All your input/help is very welcome.
Thanks in advance