I have installed Secure Login Sever and using it for SSO with sapgui.
On the secure login client, i get the profile but i need to login everytime for it to work.
I am looking to automate this, so that when i login to windows... the Secure login client profile is ready for me to use sapgui.
These are the steps i have done:-
Install Secure Login Server
Perform Initial configuration
Generate Root & server certificates (X509)
Install SAPCRYPTOLIB on Target SAP server
Import the PSE into STRUSTSSO2
configure NWA & Secure Login Admin Console to use AD as my authentication server
Change SNC settings on SU01
Change SNC settings on sapgui entry for my target ABAP system.
Now i am able to SSO to my target ABAP system. But, when i log off windows and login back, The SSO profile says "You are not Logged in".
So now everytime i login to windows, i need to login to the Secure login profile too - (I am trying to do away with this).
Here are a few profile changes i tried, but none work
Every time i generate the CustomerALL.reg file and import it into my registry, but to no avail...
Can someone please let me know how to attain the behavior im looking for?
Thanks in advance.