I have a question about SAML2 SingleSignOn on NW 731.
SAML2 in SAP was configured to use ADFS as Identity Provider. This Identity Provider is single and marked as default. To use SSO with some WebGUI/Webdynpro transactions I've created Web Application Policy for ADFS Identity Provider.
SSO works perfectly (SAP->redirect to ADFS->Login->redirect to SAP), except one thing. The each enabled Service in SICF with Standard (not alternative) Logon Procedure and with the disabled "Use All Logon Procedures" checkbox (actually, it is 98% of all services in SICF) is redirected now through ADFS. Only the Services with Alternative Logon Procedure and with disabled "Use all..." checkbox use the specified Logon Procedure.
This behavior is unacceptable for us. There is only small amount of services should be authenticated through Identity Provider. Change every Service is not a solution too...
Thanks in advance for good advises...