I am trying to configure sso for gui and web through speno transaction (abap) and secure login client installation on workstations.
Steps I folllowed:
abap profile parameters:
snc/data_protection/max = 1
snc/data_protection/min = 1
snc/data_protection/use = 1
snc/enable = 1
snc/gssapi_lib = E:\usr\sap\DEV\DVEBMGS00\SSL\sapcrypto.dll
snc/identity/as = p:CN=SAPServiceSID@domain
snc/accept_insecure_cpic = 1
snc/accept_insecure_gui = 1
snc/accept_insecure_rfc = 1
snc/permit_insecure_start = 1
snc/permit_insecure_comm = 1
spnego/enable = 1
spnego/krbspnego_lib = E:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\SSL\sapcrypto.dll
sapgenpse creation commands:
sapgenpse get_pse -p e:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\sec\SID_SNC.pse -noreq -x passwordnew "CN=SAPServiceSID@domain"
sapgenpse seclogin -p e:\usr\sap\SID\dvebmgS00\sec\SID.pse -x passwornew -O sidadm@domain
sapgenpse seclogin -p e:\usr\sap\SID\dvebmgS00\sec\SID_SNC.pse -x passwordnew -O SAPServiceSID@domain
then spnego transaction to add credentials for SAPServiceSID@domain user
and strustsso2 to add SID_SNC pse as SNC pse (and add to certificate list)
Then map username from (su01) to domain user.
On workstation installed secure login client 2 (latest patch) and change sapgui to use snc
However I get error for SAPgui logon: gss-api (maj:No credentials were supplied. unable to establish the security context target="p:CN=SAPServiceSID@domain"
and also either web sso is working.
Please assist.
Best Regards.