Dear Guru's,
I'm trying to get Single Sign-On working between a Trusted Provider (CA Siteminder) and a Netweaver Gateway.
So far we went throught the tutorials to configure the Gateway so that it is linked with the Trusted Provider.
The guy responsible for the Trusted Provider then asked us to provide the metadata file of the Gateway.
We provided him the metadata file but when he is trying to load this metadata file into his system, it is complaining about the fact that it is a "WSFED" file instead of a "SAML 2.0".
Our metadata contains a node "m:RoleDescriptor"
<m:RoleDescriptor xsi:type="fed:ApplicationServiceType" protocolSupportEnumeration="" xmlns:fed="" xmlns:xsi="">
This is the only reference to WSFED we could find in the entire metadata file we downloaded form the configuration.
Does any of you has a clue what the possible problem could be?
Kind regards